
Friday, October 11, 2013

Approximately 50 Days and Counting

If you are currently a broker or freight forwarder, or if you are a carrier which arranges for truckload transportation and need to obtain broker or freight forwarder authority, you have approximately 50 days left to comply before the agency begins enforcing the new rules.
A broker’s or freight forwarder’s bond can be obtained in less than 2 weeks and for a qualified applicant should cost less than $2,000 per annum.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Biennial Reports/URS Rulemaking Requires Careful Consideration

On August 23, 2013, the FMCSA issued its Final Rule in the Unified Registration System (URS) matter.  This rulemaking will make massive changes to the application process effective in March of 2015.

In the meantime, two aspects of the Final Rule are effective.  One is a substantial penalty for failing to file the biennial MCS-150 report on time leading up to and including revocation of authority.